Name: Kanta
Inspiraton: "Shape" (Sindarin Elvish)
Gender: Female
Parentage: Wild x Wild
Birth Pride: Unknown
Element: Illusion
Siblings: None
Mate: None

Offspring: Arnyek, Onyasablet
Dimension: Inner
God: Orcle

Her bangs are real, but the rest of her 'mane' is a marking down the back of her neck. The white on her legs are also markings. Through every shift she will still have her bangs and yellow eyes - and of course the mini-skull.

If wounded she heals instantly, no matter how major the wound - however she will bleed, and her blood is blue.

She's quite a powerful Illusion Raveeness, seeing as how she can use her ability endlessly and was trained in the arts of battle by a Demon Hunter since cubhood. Due to this she'll easily be able to hold her own in a fight.

Not only this she has the power to manipulate her size - which no other Illusion has. She can shrink down to the size of a common raven, and even shapeshift in to one if she wishes - however the only creatures she's able to shapeshift in to is a raven and a 10ft dragon. This is due to the power she received from the Demon Hunter. While in raven form her mind cannot be read, and she can't use her abilities - only her power. While in dragon form she can't use her ability, but can fly, create fire and ice aswell. Her mind can be read while in dragon form.

Kanta now has the ability to shapeshift into a large 6ft tall blue land dragon. Although not as large as the sky dragon, it is much more powerful in close combat. This dragon has armoured flesh, spikes along it's back, and powerful killing claws. Not only that, while in this form Kanta can blow lightning from her mouth, and can also move faster than the eye can see. Another reason this dragon form is preferred for close combat is because while in this form Kanta's mind cannot be read, and thus her moves cannot be read before she takes them. Also her jaws in this form are quite powerful, and her teeth extremely sharp, sharp enough in fact that she can easily bite off flesh and bone.

Instant Healing
Endless Ability Use
Shapeshifting (Raven & Dragon)

Illusion: Ability to shapeshift into another Raveen Kat type and use it's abilities. The abilities won't be as powerful as the original though. Moon, Animal, Insect and Mix abilities cannot be used by Illusions.

Causes the user to shapeshift in to any being of equal or larger size which it has come in to physical contact with. While in this form the user will not be able to mimic the voice of the one it shifts in to, but it will be able to mimic the abilities of the Kat. Can only be used twice a day.

Blood-Marked: Yes
Rank: N/A
Class: N/A
Slayer Magics: N/A

Raveen Kats are © Gryphon Ice.