Name: Arnyek
Gender: Male
Parentage: Kanta x ???
Birth Pride: None
Element: Mix (Illusion/Traveller)

Dimension: Inner/Multi
Mate: Sezula
Pride: Distant Memories

Mage Reading
Near-instant Healing
Inter-Dimensional Teleportation
Teleportation (Blue-smoke cloud)

Notes: He can Mage-read, and if wounded he heals near-instantly. He has perfect nightvision, and his eyes are always glowing. He's got some telekinetic abilities, but it's only enough to really lift one full grown Raveen and nothing more. He can teleport at will, but each time he teleports a cloud of black-smoke appears both where he's teleported from, and where he teleports to. As a part-Traveller he also has the ability to teleport between Dimension, but unlike other Travellers/halfings when he teleports between Dimensions he actually teleports through an alternate route to get where he's going - this causes the smoke he leaves behind to be tinged with an ember-hue, and a muted sound of shattering glass (unlike pure Travellers, who when they teleport have the much louder, and harder to miss, sound).

Due to his Mother being an Illusion he can change his appearance, but the power is only minimal and seems to be counteracted by some Element his biological Father had. Because of this instead of being able to shift his appearance completely, he can only change the color of his fur to the darkest ebony, which allows for him to blend in near-perfectly with the shadows. His agility is slightly better than most, but that could possibly be blamed upon the slight mutation in his paws. He's a lot more acrobatic, in a way, being able to spring further off his paws than normal Kats could've.

Whereas his Mother has the power to shift into creatures, he does not. Instead, he has the power to shift smoke-like apparations into semi-corporeal form which can be used as aids in a fight. Right now, however, he can't quite grasp the full feel of this odd power so it doesn't cause that much harm. He'd need to practice to better control it.

Growth Notes
He has two blades in his possession that are kept at his side by tendrils of smokey-darkness. The blades themselves aren't wholeheartedly corporeal, having been an effect of his smoke-alterations mixing with some dormant power in his bloodline that made them become permanent items. They are always surrounded by smoke-like darkness, and can only be used by him. The blades themselves are black and silver, and sharp enough to cut through anything living. He can move them by manipulating the smoke around them, or by focusing his telekinesis on them, or using them with his paws.

    Raveen Kats are © GryphonIce.