Name: Meissa
Wild x Wild
Birth Dream:

Notes: Born under a Blessed Moon, she is what the Varishi refer to as "Moon-touched". This is visible in the pale blue glow that always surrounds in, and in the moon marking on her shoulder that is always visible no matter what angle you're looking at her from. Varishi touched by the Moon tend to be physically cold at all times, and thankfully immune to their own cold temperatures. Others might find them too "chilly" to be near.

She is gifted with Cryomancy, and a master of skills with it. She has True Sight which allows for her to see through illusions and lies. During the night hours, when the Moons are high, she is completely invulnerable to harm - and any harm she received in the daylight hours will be healed by moonlight.

Pureblood Varishi have the ability to shift to a Dragon Form. The Belief Dimension was a world of Dragons, so most everyone that lived there was either Dragonkin, or descended from them. For Varishi, they were both Dragon and Dragonkin. Since the world is smaller now, and not a place for Dragons, Varishi choose to mostly remain in their smaller forms unless agitated. Her Dragon Form isn't too much larger than her small form; she only grows a few feet taller, as she shifts into a pristine white Dragon with a trail of feathered wings. In this form she still glows brightly, and still has the Moon-marking on her body. She can shift freely between corporeal and incorporeal when in her Dragon Form.

Perfect Nightvison & Sonar Sight
True Sight
Moonlight Invulnerability
Dragon Form

Varishi are © Gryphon Ice.