Name: Lesath
Wild x Wild
Birth Dream:

Notes: A Varishi with a taste for life, he lives on a purely blood-based diet. The prey he hunts can be anything, but if their blood tastes awful he'll let them go. He tends to drink his fill and leave his prey alive, but there are times when his prey has had such tasty blood he hasn't been able to hold himself back from drinking too much. In those cases he does feel a little bit of guilt, but not enough to wish he hadn't drank from them. He uses his Hypnotic Voice to draw sentient beings under his Thrall, and after being subjected to his Voice a few times they're more easily manipulated. He can manipulate the blood in others - freezing it, thickening it, even drawing it from their veins.

He has the ability to phase between a corporeal and incorporeal form at will, and is also highly skilled in Shadowmancy.

There are a couple vials of blood he carries around at all times. They tend to act as stored 'snacks', often filled with blood that was particularly tasty.

Pureblood Varishi have the ability to shift to a Dragon Form. The Belief Dimension was a world of Dragons, so most everyone that lived there was either Dragonkin, or descended from them. For Varishi, they were both Dragon and Dragonkin. Since the world is smaller now, and not a place for Dragons, Varishi choose to mostly remain in their smaller forms unless agitated. When he shifts to Dragon Form his entire body darkens into shadow, and he becomes a mass of scales and shadow. His size depends on how dark the area he's in - as a shadow Dragon takes control of all darkness in an area, and turns it into an extension of itself. When in this form he can't be hurt by Shadowmancy, or darkness-manipulating powers.

Perfect Nightvison & Sonar Sight
Phasing, Shadowmancy
Hypnotic Voice / Thrall
Blood Manipulation
Dragon Form

Varishi are © Gryphon Ice.