Name: Pyrraxyzzgvik
Gender: Male
Parentage: Unknown
Birth Hive: Unknown
Type: Hybridling (Moonrunner/Graeph)
Siblings: Unknown
Mate: None
Hive: None
Offspring: None
Notes: Born to the unusual mixing of a Moonrunner Zethn and a Graeph Horrorling, he was born to a Hive in the Inner Dimension and later abandoned/expelled from his Birth Hive for his sentient nature. Able to think for himself, and completely immune to a Horrorling's mind bending, he was seen as a threat to the Hive members when he was born, and was abandoned when he was a hatchling. His memories of that Hive are fuzzy at best, nothing more than dimmed details of Bloodlings and a chilling river of blood. He would've surely died on his own, had it not been for the Moonrunner genes that run through his veins. For as long as he was under the three moons of the Inner Dimension, they healed any ailments/injuries he gained, and kept hunger at bay. Moonrunners only exist in the Inner Dimension, where their lifeforce is tied and sustained by the Moons, and he seemed to gain the benefits of these genes, while not carrying any of their downside (as in, he doesn't require the Moons to survive, and could exist in worlds without them).

He has the ability to phase out of sync with the physical plane, but only where his body is a pale white-green hue. The areas of his body that are outlined in a blue shadow aura are exactly like a Graeph's flesh, and can be molded/shifted into different molecular densities or meld with shadows. This makes it incredibly hard to harm him, and makes him an added danger to other species of his size as he can easily take them on without receiving too much damage to himself.

He is able to fly without the use of wings, but this power seems limited to the Inner Dimension and doesn't seem to work anywhere else. He is also able to breathe out a toxic mist that can paralyze any caught within it. Darkness seems to rise in a plume of flame-like shadows from the backs of his forelimbs, but this trait seems only for show.

As he has no eyes he sees in the same manner as a pure Graeph.

  Graephs are © Gryphon Ice.