Name: Morganna
Inspiraton: Of the Arthurian legend
Gender: Female
Parentage: Wild x Wild
Birth Pride: Unknown
Element: Arcane
Siblings: Unknown
Mate: Inlacrimas

Pride: Celestial Symmetry
Offspring: None
Dimension: Belief
God: Yinali
Born of an Element known for it's connection to magics, and covered in spell marks and all sorts of magical traits. Her horns are mismatched, one twisted and embedded with gems while the other is gem-free. From behind her shoulders there rises an arch-like semi-circle that is embedded with Soul Stones, ones which are of a relatively large size, and can actually be 'plucked' from their perches and used as weapons, as the Soul Stones can be used as physical weapons that sap the energy/souls out of those they impale, as well as when they impale the ground they act as magic receptors - pulling in all raw, controlled, and active magics in an area to such an extent that any magics in play will be negated, and attacks can be rendered useless. When enough energy is obsorbed by these Soul Stones, they will explode in a fury of energy, and will cause severe harm to any non-allies in an area. When a Soul Stone is destroyed, it's instantly 'replicated' back on the arch.

Raw magics are constantly absorbed by her Soul, causing the white markings on her body to fluctuate between dim and bright depending on the levels of magic she's taken in. When she's taken in enough energy to make these markings blinding, there's virtually nothing she can't do. It opens the floodgates of magic, and allows for her to access any magic she wishes. But once it's used up, the markings will fade and be almost faint against her fur.

She has impenetrable blue scales on all four limbs, and has the power to shapeshift into the form of a massive Soul Stone-covered blue dragon when she's greatly angered, or in mortal peril. It's a trait that all Belief Dimensionals have as long as their souls haven't been corrupted.
Instant Heal (unlimited)
Unlimited Telekinesis
Shadow Control/Manipulation
Spell/Curse Immunity
Psychic Immunity
Aura Defense
Low-level Magic Immunity
Blood-Marked: Yes
Rank: N/A
Class: N/A
Slayer Magics: N/A

Raveen Kats are © Gryphon Ice.